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Create rainbow of colors with minimal dependency.

Inspired from color-rainbow


import { createRainbow } from 'color-map-rainbow'
import { rgbHex, rgbaString } from 'color-map'

// rainbow = array of [r,g,b,a=1]
const rainbow = createRainbow(72)

// transparentRainbow = array of [r,g,b, 0...0.8]
const transparentRainbow = createRainbow(72, [0, 0.8])

// use `color-map` conversion function to get
// '#000000' or 'rgba(...)`
const hexRainbow = => rgbHex(c))
const rgbaRainbow = => rgbaString(c))


# right after clone
npm install

# begin making changes
git checkout -b <branch>
npm run watch

# edit `webpack.config.es5.js` and `rollup.config.es2015.js` to exclude dependencies for the bundle if needed

# after making change(s)
git commit -m "<commit message>"
git push

# create PR

NPM Commands

There are a few useful commands you can use during development.

# Run tests (and lint) automatically whenever you save a file.
npm run watch

# Run tests with coverage stats (but won't fail you if coverage does not meet criteria)
npm run test

# Manually verify the project.
# This will be ran during 'npm preversion' so you normally don't need to run this yourself.
npm run verify

# Build the project.
# You normally don't need to do this.
npm run build

# Run tslint
# You normally don't need to do this as `npm run watch` and `npm version` will automatically run lint for you.
npm run lint

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