Type Alias At<A, N, Fail>

At: ArrayPlus.IndexAt<A, N, Fail, Fail, Fail> extends infer I
    ? I extends number
        ? IsTuple.$<
                $else: A[I]
                | undefined;
                $then: NumberPlus.IsNumber.$<
                    { $else: A[I]; $then: A[I]
                    | undefined; exact: true },
        : Fail
    : never

🦴 utilities

Gets the type of the array or tuple at positive or negative index N.

Like Array.at(), this type supports negative numbers.

Type Parameters

  • A extends readonly unknown[]
  • N extends number
  • Fail = never


type R = At<[1, 2, 3], 2> // 3
type R = At<[1, 2, 3], -1> // 3