Branch option for selection logic. It allows finely customizing the behavior of your type.
Using this as the default value of your $Options is the recommended best practice.
This encourage consumer of your type to use conditional type to avoid performance issues.
type YourType< T, $Options extends YourType.$Options = YourType.$Branch> = ...namespace YourType { export type $Options = $SelectionOptions export type $Branch = $SelectionBranch}type R = YourType<T> extends infer R ? R extends $Then ? HandleThen : R extends $Else ? HandleElse : never Copy
type YourType< T, $Options extends YourType.$Options = YourType.$Branch> = ...namespace YourType { export type $Options = $SelectionOptions export type $Branch = $SelectionBranch}type R = YourType<T> extends infer R ? R extends $Then ? HandleThen : R extends $Else ? HandleElse : never
Branch option for selection logic. It allows finely customizing the behavior of your type.
Using this as the default value of your
is the recommended best practice.This encourage consumer of your type to use conditional type to avoid performance issues.